Strong scientific research strength

Painstaking research and development cone crusher, use technology to enhance operational efficiency.

Science and technology, is the soul of crusher, with the strongest R & D capabilities of WHITE LAI, use the cutting-edge technology with the perfect combination of crusher,Let every customer is doubly confident and at ease in operation.

WHITE  LAI Aggregation the technology elite, to create maximum value for your product.

Use the FEM technology analysis to Design Products.

Our all products have gone through the FEM technology analysis, which ensures all stress levels inside within appropriate range and guarantees the high strength structure and stable performance of crusher.

Control Parts's quality from the source.

WHITE LAI quality inspection center, relying on industry-leading detection instruments and Serious and responsible testing experts, from many angles to strict quality control of crusher accessories , to prevent the emergence of substandard products to help customers easily and confidently conduct business.

Material Inspection

WHITE LAI technicians utilise the latest FARO® Edge and Platinum portable co-ordinate measuring arms that help make measuring complex parts and assemblies easy, including alignment, calibration, inspection, product development and reverse engineering.